About our Foundation
The Foundation "Ti potriben" is a group of like-minded people: doctors, people connected with medicine and just not indifferent people who dream of changing for the better if not the whole world then at least the lives of several people in it!
Children with opportunities!
We are convinced that our wards are children with opportunities! And our main goal is to create conditions for our little friends to make the most of their opportunities for living with comfort and positive emotions!
Who works in our foundation?
The heart of the Foundation "Ti potriben" is Alexander Onikienko, functionalist. The main team includes mainly his friends doctors and private entrepreneurs. Since the Foundation is young and today exists exclusively in the form of a volunteer organization of like-minded people, we do not have a clear division of roles or positions. But we see in it the huge plus – it is our openness! We are pleased to invite everyone who has the desire and opportunity to give a little of their time and share their attention with our special friends!

Who are our wards?
Ready to help everyone! And we started with children who have disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
What help do we provide?
Starting from the closure of basic needs for special accessories, medicines, furniture and ending with the organization of medical support and fundraising for high-cost treatment.
How to cowork with us?
If your child needs help – write or call us to get a ward questionnaire. We carry out meetings according to the queue or in view of the urgency of solving the problem.